The Kehner family on film. This in-home, Portland family session has my heart for many reasons. It was my 5th session with these guys, which is pretty special. I have loved watching Theo grow into a sweet and passionate, almost, two year old. I’ve loved just kicking back and hanging with his parents, they are easy to be around, which always leave me feeling uplifted and inspired in this work.
Capturing humans on film is really unique, especially when you’ve taken time away from this medium and are revisiting it again, for what almost feels like the first time. I learned on film, on my dads film cameras in high school. I remember the smell of the chemicals in the dark room, and the magic of being enveloped in darkness, focused in on the craft. This was back in 2004. So much has changed since then. I was just kid and didn’t know that I would be doing photography for a career.
I love how film pushes you to slow down and be intentional. I love the nostalgic feel. And honestly my favorite part, is when families or couples hire me for these type of sessions, I feel like a kid again. I’m brought back to the past; brought back to when taking photos was just for fun. I think there is always room in this job for play, and I think if I ever lose sight of the play, I might lose myself.
Enjoy Kristen, Stephen and Theo on film. Oh and PUP, Theo’s bear.

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